Title : Cambridge Grammar of English Portable
Date Released : 2012
Version : August 2012
Category : Grammar Software
Publisher:   Cambridge University Press 2012
Format : RAR
Size : 154 MB
Download : klik disini
Password MF: zainurinet

Cambridge Grammar of English Portable merupakan software grammar yang tentunya sudah tidak asing lagi bagi orang yang menguasai bahasa inggris dengan fasih. Software ini harus dimiliki bagi setiap pelajar yang serius dengan bahasa Inggris. Grammar ini cukup terkenal dan disusun oleh ahli bahasa Inggris dunia.
A major new reference grammar offering the most comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of spoken and written English based on real everyday usage. A major reference grammar from the world’s leading grammar publisher. It offers clear explanations of spoken and written English based on real everyday usage. The clear two-part structure makes the book particularly user-friendly.

Cambridge Grammar of English is even more accessible with:
• The whole book in handy, searchable format.
• Audio recordings of all the examples from the book.
• Links to the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary online for instant definitions of new vocabulary.

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